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User Sense

Instructions for session without interviewer

Below you find instructions on how to participate in a session without an interviewer, also referred to as unmoderated user test. 


  • You can participate in your own time
  • This session is recoreded and will be analysed to improve the website
  • If you are entitled to a payment, this will be transferred within two business days.

Step 1 - Verify your e-mail address

Verify your email address by clicking on 'Confirm email' in the email you received from us. Afterwards, your password will be sent to you in a separate email.

Did you not receive an email? Then check your spam folder or contact us.

Verification link expired? Then enter your email address on this page to receive a new link.

Step 2 - Download and login to the User Sense Software

2.1 Download User Sense from the store
Mobiel or tablet: Google Play Store (Android, App Store (IOS).
Desktop: Windows Store (Windows), App Store (Mac)

2.2 Login to your account
Login with your email address and the password your received from us.

Step 3 - Give permission for screenshare (Mac only)

Do you have an Apple computer? Then you often have to set up some things for the session to run smoothly.

  1. Open System Preferences
  2. Click on Security & Privacy
  3. Click on screen recording
  4. Click on the 'Lock Icon' at the bottom left and enter your password.
  5. Select User Sense
  6. Close the screen
  7. Start User Sense again

You have now completed all steps.

Step 4 - Sign up for and do the test

Well done! Now that you are logged in, we ask you to go through the following steps:

  1. Go to 'New'
  2. Sign in for the test
  3. Go to 'To-do'
  4. Start the test

Good to know:

  • A good and stable internet connection is required
  • You cannot stop or pause the test
  • Test takes about 20 minutes

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Contact our support team directly.

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